Quercus semecarpifolia Sm.
Brown oak
The tree tag number relates to the black tree-maintenance tags, usually fixed on the trunk, 2 to 3m above ground level.
This small tree/large shrub is planted in the oak section of the arboretum. We are giving it the species name semecarpifolia although there is some uncertainty about its nomenclature. The Irish Tree Society members who visited in May 2023 discussed the tree at some length and while some members identified it as Q. semecarpifolia, others were less sure. We have a record of a Quercus semecarpifolia being purchased for the Botanic Gardens so we will go with this name for now. The wide range of leaf shapes assigned to this species on-line suggest it is vary variable (or else frequently mis-identified).
It is a native of Afghanistan, Assam, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Tibet, West Himalaya where it can form a substantial forest tree to 30m. Our rather shrubby form seems more typical of the tree in cultivation in our climate. The leaves are glossy green above and densely felted under.

Photographs taken in Belfast Botanic Gardens 25 May 2023. Copyright Friends of Belfast Botanic Gardens.