Global Medicine Garden
The Global Medicine Garden is a joint project between the Botanic Gardens Management (Belfast City Council) and the Friends of Belfast Botanic Gardens. In 2019, Friends of Belfast Botanic Gardens were given the go-ahead by our Garden Focus Group for the creation of a Global Medicine Garden in an enclosed site next to the newly restored Tropical Ravine. This collaborative initiative is the first of its kind in the Gardens. The site chosen is an enclosed area at the South-West end of the Tropical Ravine. It had been cleared as a materials store during the building work and had a temporary planting of heathers.
Our enterprise references the collection of medicinal herbs that was a feature of the Victorian Botanic Gardens described by the then Curator Daniel Ferguson and marked on the plan in his guide to the Gardens of 1851.
The Global Medicine Garden provides a focal point for tours of the Gardens together with generating materials for workshop sessions for school parties and groups. It brings in a fresh range of plant species, much of it donated by members and friends.
The development of the garden in 2019
Global medicinal garden in 2021
Global medicine garden in 2022
Global medicine garden in 2023
Plants of the global medicine garden
Alphabetical list of the plants in the medicine garden